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Terms of Use


Our commitment is to put users first. We strive to be transparent about how we collect and use your information, to keep your information secure and to provide you meaningful choices. This Privacy Policy is meant to help you understand what information PRASTAC Global Association, its affiliates (“PRASTAC,” “us,” “our” or “we”) collect, why we collect it and what we do with it. This policy applies to PRASTAC brands, mentors, websites, apps, advertising services, products, services or technologies (we’ll collectively refer to these as “Services”).

Information Collection and Use:

  • Information You Provide to Us: We may collect information that you provide to us, such as:

    • When you create an account with our Services or brand. (Please note, when you use our Services, we may recognize you or your devices even if you are not signed in to our Services.) PRASTAC may use device IDs, cookies, and other signals, including information obtained from third parties, to associate accounts and/or devices with you

    • When you use our Services to communicate with PRASTAC employees, employers or volunteers, either via video calls, audio calls or even text messages.

    • PRASTAC analyzes and stores all communications content, including email content from incoming and outgoing mail. This allows us to deliver, personalize and develop relevant features, content, advertising and Services.

    • When you use our Services like Resources, Agendas, Milestones, AdHoc calls and anything else which we bring on in our updates, unless other terms accompany those items. If so, those terms apply.

    • When you sign up and pay for our Services, we require your financial information or complete transactions with us or our business partners, we may collect your payment and billing information.

  • Device Information. We collect information from your devices (computers, mobile phones, tablets, etc.), including information about how you interact with our Services and those of our third-party partners and information that allows us to recognize and associate your activity across devices and Services. This information includes device specific identifiers and information such as IP Address, cookie information, mobile device (if any) and advertising identifiers, browser version, operating system type and version, mobile network information, device settings, and Software/App data. We may recognize your devices to provide you with personalized experiences and advertising across the devices you use.

  • Location Information. We collect location information from a variety of sources. You can learn more about and manage your location permissions on our Locations page and by visiting the location settings tool on your devices.

  • Information from Cookies and Other Technologies.

    • We collect information when you access content, advertising, sites, interactive widgets, applications, and other products (both on and off of our Services) where PRASTAC’s data collection technologies (such as web beacons, development tools, cookies and other technologies, etc.) are present. These data collection technologies allow us to understand your activity on and off our Services and to collect and store information when you interact with Services we offer to partners.

    • This information also includes the kind of content or ads served, viewed or clicked on; the frequency and duration of your activities; the sites or apps you used before accessing our Services and where you went next; whether you engaged with specific content or ads; and whether you went on to visit an advertiser's website, downloaded an advertiser’s app, purchased a product or service advertised, or took other actions.

  • Information from Others.We collect information about you when we receive it from other users, third-parties, and affiliates, such as:

    • When you connect your account to third-party services or sign in using a third-party partner (like Facebook or LinkedIn).

    • From publicly-available sources.

    • From advertisers about your experiences or interactions with their offerings.

    • When we obtain information from third-parties or other companies, such as those that use our Services. This may include your activity on other sites and apps as well as information those third-parties provide to you or us.

    • Information provided by the mentors regarding experience they had coaching you or any other related scenario. This will help us to monitor your growth as well as allow us to research and deploy Resources which may be more helpful to you.

How we use this Information

PRASTAC shares information within its affiliated brands, service providers and companies and with the mentor, assigned to you. We also share information we have about you for the purposes described in this Privacy Policy, including to provide Services that you have requested (including when you connect with third-party apps and widgets). We do not sell, license or share information that individually identifies our customers with companies, organizations or individuals outside of PRASTAC unless one of the following circumstances applies:

  • With Your Consent. We will share information with companies, organizations or individuals outside of PRASTAC, when we have your consent.

  • Within PRASTAC. Information may also be shared within PRASTAC, including with other PRASTAC Services and affiliates. PRASTAC affiliates may use the information in a manner consistent with their privacy policies.

  • With Mentors. We will share information and everything in your profile to the mentors, employers and service providers which are assigned to you. Our terms for partners, does not allow them to relay this information to anyone else except PRASTAC. However, in a situation where a new mentor or service provider is assigned to you, the information needs to be passed, that too via PRASTAC and with the consent of the user.

  • With Partners. We may share your information with nonaffiliated companies who are:

    • Trusted Partners. We provide user information to trusted partners who work on behalf of or with PRASTAC based on our directions and in compliance with appropriate confidentiality measures. Learn more.

    • Advertising, Analytics and Business Partners (Limited to Non-Personally Identifiable Information). We may share aggregated or pseudonymous information (including demographic information) with partners, such as publishers, advertisers, measurement analytics, apps, or other companies. For example, we may tell an advertiser how its ads performed or report how many people installed an app after seeing a promotion. We do not share information that personally identifies you (personally identifiable information is information like name or email address) with these partners, such as publishers, advertisers, measurement analytics, apps, or other companies.

    • When you use third-party apps, websites or other products integrated with our Services, they may collect information about your activities subject to their own terms and privacy policies.

    • We allow other companies that show advertisements on our webpages or apps to collect information from your browsers or devices. Other companies' use of cookies and other data collection technologies are subject to their own privacy policies, not this one. Like many companies, we may allow cookie matching with select partners. But these parties are not authorized to access PRASTAC cookies.

  • For Legal and Other Purposes. We may access, preserve and disclose information to investigate, prevent, or take action in connection with: (i) legal process and legal requests; (ii) enforcement of the Terms; (iii) claims that any content violates the rights of third-parties; (iv) requests for customer service; (v) technical issues; (vi) protecting the rights, property or personal safety of PRASTAC, its users or the public; (vii) establishing or exercising our legal rights or defending against legal claims; or (viii) as otherwise required by law.

    • This may include responding to lawful governmental requests. Learn more about how we evaluate and respond to these requests.

  • New Ownership. If the ownership or control of all or part of PRASTAC or a specific Services changes as a result of a merger, acquisition or sale of assets, we may transfer your information to the new owner.

  • How we use this Information

When you use or interact with any of our Services, you consent to the data processing, sharing, transferring and uses of your information as outlined in this Privacy Policy. Regardless of the country where you reside, you authorize us to transfer, process, store and use your information in countries other than your own in accordance with this Privacy Policy and to provide you with Services. Some of these countries may not have the same data protection safeguards as the country where you reside. PRASTAC may process information related to individuals in the Indian Subcontinents and may transfer that information from the Indian Subcontinents through various compliance mechanisms, including data processing agreements based on the Indian Standard Contractual Clauses. By using our Services, you consent to us transferring information about you to these countries. For more information, please visit our Data Transfer page.

  • Changes to this Privacy Policy

We reserve the right to change this policy at any time to reflect changes in the law, our data collection and use practices, the features of our Services, or advances in technology. Please check this page periodically for changes. Your continued use of the Services following the posting of changes to this policy will mean you accept those changes. If we make any material changes to this Privacy Policy, we will post the updated Privacy Policy here and notify you by email or by means of a notice on our website prior to the changes becoming effective.

  • Other Important Information

This Privacy Policy Applies Only to PRASTAC and its associated verticals. This Privacy Policy does not apply to the practices of companies that PRASTAC does not own or control, or to people that PRASTAC does not employ or manage. In addition, some affiliated products, may have different privacy policies and practices that are not subject to this Privacy Policy.

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